What We Do
We offer Accessibility Maintenance Plans. We also offer Accessibility Consulting for Development and Remediation Project Management.
Accessibility Maintenance Plans
Our Accessibility Maintenance Plans give you access to our experts to confidently remove barriers on your site for people with disabilities. Open your website to many more users and meet legal requirements with confidence! We help with figuring out where to start, what to prioritize and how to get things done. Our reports may be a valuable legal defense if you are sued or fined.
Learn more about our Accessibility Maintenance Plans.
Consulting for Development
When a website development project needs assurance that the finished site will meet accessibility guidelines, AccessiCart can help. We come alongside development teams to offer consulting and testing to include accessibility from the beginning, which is the most cost-effective way to improve accessibility.
Learn more about accessibility consulting for development.
Remediation Project Management
Remediating websites for accessibility can become complicated. AccessiCart can be your professional guide for website remediation projects: we can guide you step-by-step through what to prioritize, how to fix, and help keep everything fully documented.